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Why do it yourself when you can hire a Registered Dietitian to give you
an extra boost? Think of an RD as a personal trainer for nutrition.
Nutrition is a dynamic science that is often confusing and an RD can
offer perspective. Let me provide you with my assistance on a variety
of nutrition topics to help you achieve your goals.
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New! "A Spoonful of Shauna" e-COOKBOOK
Shauna's thriving nutritional counselling career has spanned hospital, community and media settings
and has earned her respect of peers and clients alike making her a highly sought after professional
in her field.
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Shauna’s professional services include individual nutrition counselling, cooking demonstrations, corporate wellness sessions, expert contributions to the media, nutrition genetic testing and much more.
Image: Getting ready for Lisa's 50th birthday cooking demo
Shauna creates recipes focusing on plant-based nutrition for
disease prevention. She will demonstrate how to prepare a
variety of recipes and you will have a chance to ask nutrition
and culinary questions while you eat. Up to date information-based nutrition
research and recipe booklet included with
each class.
Learn all about Shauna's classes
"I refer my patients to Shauna without hesitation. She is personable,
knowledgeable and has an innate ability to motivate people to achieve
their goals. Without exception, I have positive feedback from my patients.
Her skill and enthusiasm for her work makes it a pleasure to recommend her."
Johanna Mugford MD
CCFP Toronto, Ontario