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Veggie Burgers

This is the perfect recipe to make for a meat eater if they are interested in trying a veggie burger. The recipe is full of vegetables and has black beans, egg, and parmesan cheese for protein.

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Here are the top 3 reasons why you should make this recipe:

  1. This recipe has 1 Tbsp of fresh garlic. Fresh garlic isn’t only delicious, it has an active compound called allicin, which is an immune booster.
  2. Black beans are full of soluble fibre which helps in reducing cholesterol levels and keeping you full.
  3. Mushrooms have 2 different compounds in them called ergothioneine and glutathione which are chemicals studied for cancer prevention.

Did you know?

Most veggie burgers on the market aren’t made with fresh vegetables, they are made with pea or soy protein.